
Upcoming Events

JPF National Conclave

JPF National Conclave

JITO Bangalore is organising JITO GROWTH SUMMIT.

Conclave Details
Next event

Walk and Connect

This is only for Elite members, to connect with each other and learn more.

Coming Soon

Past Events

JPF Box cricket

Box Cricket

Get ready for match between 8 teams.

Box Cricket Register
JPF Professional Expedition II


Dust your bikes and get Ladkh level experience, here in bangalore.

Bike ProEx 2 Register
JPF Professional Expedition I


This is only for Elite members, to connect with each other and learn more along with new expedition.

ProEx-I Register
JPF Bangalore Story Telling with Data

Story Telling with Data

Series of programs focused on professional skill development...

Book Now
Stock Market 101 by Mr. Varun Malhotra

Stock Market 101

Join us to learn Investment tips from very well known person in stock market.

Stock Market
Journey to serenity - Adoni Trip

Journey To serenity - Adoni Trip

All members of JPF Elite group visited Adoni with family to experience serentiy

Read More
JPF 22 Yards Round Table @ KSCA

JPF 22 Yards Round Table @ KSCA

Join us in our next event where we will connect with JPF Elite members and will learn about there expections from JPF and how they can contribute.

22 Yards
Aarambh Ek Nayi Shuruwaat

Aarambh Ek Nayi Shuruwaat

This was the first project by JITO JPF team and we had more then 1000 individuals joined us in event to hear from great speakers.
